Channel: Shane and Shane
Category: Music
Description: Recorded in Dallas, Texas. From "Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, Vol. 1" - Lyrics Thy bleeding sacrifice O Christ How brutal yet how splendid That tragic act of love has paid The price my sin demanded From Eden's wilted promises To my heart's dark affections Thy bleeding sacrifice O Christ Has purchased my redemption There was no shame more deep than Thine No agony more bitter Now risen and exalted high Is Jesus Christ the Savior Who burst through every band of death And trampled o'er the darkness To give us life our very breath Our Champion oh how glorious Christ has died Christ is Risen Hallelujah Christ will come again Thy glorious return O Christ To ransom all God's children When trumpets howl and mountains shake Announcing Heaven's Splendor The gates of New Jerusalem Will open wide to greet us And every tongue on earth will sing All glory unto Jesus - To learn this song and get access to hundreds of charts, daily devotionals, and tutorials and much more take a free trial at Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: